1 /**
2  * D port of rlutil.h
3  * https://github.com/tapio/rlutil
4  * 
5  * About: Description
6  * This file provides some useful utilities for console mode
7  * roguelike game development with C and C++. It is aimed to
8  * be cross-platform (at least Windows and Linux).
9  *
10  * License:
11  * <a href="http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt">Boost License</a>
12  * Authors:
13  * <a href="http://github.com/danyalzia">Danyal Zia</a>
14  */
16 module rlutil.rlutil;
18 import std.stdio : printf;
19 import std.process : executeShell;
20 import std..string : toStringz;
21 import std.c.stdio;
22 import std.c.stdlib;
24 /// Define: RLUTIL_USE_ANSI
25 /// Define this to use ANSI escape sequences also on Windows
26 /// (defaults to using WinAPI instead).
27 enum RLUTIL_USE_ANSI = true;
29 version (Windows)
30     enum Windows = true;
31 else
32     enum Windows = false;
34 version (Posix)
35     enum Linux = true;
36 else
37     enum Linux = false;
39 version (Windows) {
40 	import std.c.windows.windows;
42 	// Unfortunately, D2 doesn't provide these functions
43 	extern (C) int getch();
44 	extern (C) int kbhit();
45 }
47 version (Posix) {
48 	import core.sys.posix.unistd,
49 	core.sys.posix.sys.ioctl,
50 	core.sys.linux.termios,
51 	core.sys.posix.termios,
52 	core.sys.posix.fcntl,
53 	core.sys.posix.sys.time;
54 }
56 alias RLUTIL_STRING_T = string;
58 /// Function: getch
59 /// Get character without waiting for Return to be pressed.
60 /// Windows has this in conio.h
61 version (Posix) {
62 	int getch() {
63 		// Here be magic.
64 		termios oldt, newt;
65 		int ch;
66 		tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &oldt);
67 		newt = oldt;
68 		newt.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
69 		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt);
70 		ch = getchar();
71 		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt);
72 		return ch;
73 	}
75 	/// Function: kbhit
76 	/// Determines if keyboard has been hit.
77 	/// Windows has this in conio.h
78 	int kbhit() {
79 		// Here be dragons.
80 		static termios oldt, newt;
81 		int cnt = 0;
82 		tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &oldt);
83 		newt = oldt;
84 		newt.c_lflag    &= ~(ICANON | ECHO);
85 		newt.c_iflag     = 0; // input mode
86 		newt.c_oflag     = 0; // output mode
87 		newt.c_cc[VMIN]  = 1; // minimum time to wait
88 		newt.c_cc[VTIME] = 1; // minimum characters to wait for
89 		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &newt);
90 		ioctl(0, FIONREAD, &cnt); // Read count
91 		timeval tv;
92 		tv.tv_sec  = 0;
93 		tv.tv_usec = 100;
94 		select(STDIN_FILENO+1, null, null, null, &tv); // A small time delay
95 		tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &oldt);
96 		return cnt; // Return number of characters
97 	}
98 }
100 /// Function: gotoxy
101 /// Same as <rlutil.locate>.
102 void gotoxy(int x, int y) {
103 	locate(x,y);
104 }
106 /**
107  * Enums: Color codes
108  *
109  * BLACK - Black
110  * BLUE - Blue
111  * GREEN - Green
112  * CYAN - Cyan
113  * RED - Red
114  * MAGENTA - Magenta / purple
115  * BROWN - Brown / dark yellow
116  * GREY - Grey / dark white
117  * DARKGREY - Dark grey / light black
118  * LIGHTBLUE - Light blue
119  * LIGHTGREEN - Light green
120  * LIGHTCYAN - Light cyan
121  * LIGHTRED - Light red
122  * LIGHTMAGENTA - Light magenta / light purple
123  * YELLOW - Yellow (bright)
124  * WHITE - White (bright)
125  */
126 enum {
127 	BLACK,
128 	BLUE,
129 	GREEN,
130 	CYAN,
131 	RED,
133 	BROWN,
134 	GREY,
141 	YELLOW,
142 	WHITE
143 };
145 /**
146  * Consts: ANSI color strings
147  *
148  * ANSI_CLS - Clears screen
149  * ANSI_BLACK - Black
150  * ANSI_RED - Red
151  * ANSI_GREEN - Green
152  * ANSI_BROWN - Brown / dark yellow
153  * ANSI_BLUE - Blue
154  * ANSI_MAGENTA - Magenta / purple
155  * ANSI_CYAN - Cyan
156  * ANSI_GREY - Grey / dark white
157  * ANSI_DARKGREY - Dark grey / light black
158  * ANSI_LIGHTRED - Light red
159  * ANSI_LIGHTGREEN - Light green
160  * ANSI_YELLOW - Yellow (bright)
161  * ANSI_LIGHTBLUE - Light blue
162  * ANSI_LIGHTMAGENTA - Light magenta / light purple
163  * ANSI_LIGHTCYAN - Light cyan
164  * ANSI_WHITE - White (bright)
165  */
167 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_BLACK = "\033[22;30m";
168 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_RED = "\033[22;31m";
169 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_GREEN = "\033[22;32m";
170 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_BROWN = "\033[22;33m";
171 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_BLUE = "\033[22;34m";
172 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_MAGENTA = "\033[22;35m";
173 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_CYAN = "\033[22;36m";
174 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_GREY = "\033[22;37m";
175 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_DARKGREY = "\033[01;30m";
176 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_LIGHTRED = "\033[01;31m";
178 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_YELLOW = "\033[01;33m";
182 RLUTIL_STRING_T ANSI_WHITE = "\033[01;37m";
184 /**
185  * Consts: Key codes for keyhit()
186  *
187  * KEY_ESCAPE  - Escape
188  * KEY_ENTER   - Enter
189  * KEY_SPACE   - Space
190  * KEY_INSERT  - Insert
191  * KEY_HOME    - Home
192  * KEY_END     - End
193  * KEY_DELETE  - Delete
194  * KEY_PGUP    - PageUp
195  * KEY_PGDOWN  - PageDown
196  * KEY_UP      - Up arrow
197  * KEY_DOWN    - Down arrow
198  * KEY_LEFT    - Left arrow
199  * KEY_RIGHT   - Right arrow
200  * KEY_F1      - F1
201  * KEY_F2      - F2
202  * KEY_F3      - F3
203  * KEY_F4      - F4
204  * KEY_F5      - F5
205  * KEY_F6      - F6
206  * KEY_F7      - F7
207  * KEY_F8      - F8
208  * KEY_F9      - F9
209  * KEY_F10     - F10
210  * KEY_F11     - F11
211  * KEY_F12     - F12
212  * KEY_NUMDEL  - Numpad del
213  * KEY_NUMPAD0 - Numpad 0
214  * KEY_NUMPAD1 - Numpad 1
215  * KEY_NUMPAD2 - Numpad 2
216  * KEY_NUMPAD3 - Numpad 3
217  * KEY_NUMPAD4 - Numpad 4
218  * KEY_NUMPAD5 - Numpad 5
219  * KEY_NUMPAD6 - Numpad 6
220  * KEY_NUMPAD7 - Numpad 7
221  * KEY_NUMPAD8 - Numpad 8
222  * KEY_NUMPAD9 - Numpad 9
223  */
224 const int KEY_ESCAPE  = 0;
225 const int KEY_ENTER   = 1;
226 const int KEY_SPACE   = 32;
228 const int KEY_INSERT  = 2;
229 const int KEY_HOME    = 3;
230 const int KEY_PGUP    = 4;
231 const int KEY_DELETE  = 5;
232 const int KEY_END     = 6;
233 const int KEY_PGDOWN  = 7;
235 const int KEY_UP      = 14;
236 const int KEY_DOWN    = 15;
237 const int KEY_LEFT    = 16;
238 const int KEY_RIGHT   = 17;
240 const int KEY_F1      = 18;
241 const int KEY_F2      = 19;
242 const int KEY_F3      = 20;
243 const int KEY_F4      = 21;
244 const int KEY_F5      = 22;
245 const int KEY_F6      = 23;
246 const int KEY_F7      = 24;
247 const int KEY_F8      = 25;
248 const int KEY_F9      = 26;
249 const int KEY_F10     = 27;
250 const int KEY_F11     = 28;
251 const int KEY_F12     = 29;
253 const int KEY_NUMDEL  = 30;
254 const int KEY_NUMPAD0 = 31;
255 const int KEY_NUMPAD1 = 127;
256 const int KEY_NUMPAD2 = 128;
257 const int KEY_NUMPAD3 = 129;
258 const int KEY_NUMPAD4 = 130;
259 const int KEY_NUMPAD5 = 131;
260 const int KEY_NUMPAD6 = 132;
261 const int KEY_NUMPAD7 = 133;
262 const int KEY_NUMPAD8 = 134;
263 const int KEY_NUMPAD9 = 135;
265 /// Function: getkey
266 /// Reads a key press (blocking) and returns a key code.
267 ///
268 /// See <Key codes for keyhit()>
269 ///
270 /// Note:
271 /// Only Arrows, Esc, Enter and Space are currently working properly.
272 int getkey() {
273 version(Posix)
274 	int cnt = kbhit(); // for ANSI escapes processing
276 	int k = getch();
277 	switch(k) {
278 		case 0: {
279 			int kk;
280 			switch (kk = getch()) {
281 				case 71: return KEY_NUMPAD7;
282 				case 72: return KEY_NUMPAD8;
283 				case 73: return KEY_NUMPAD9;
284 				case 75: return KEY_NUMPAD4;
285 				case 77: return KEY_NUMPAD6;
286 				case 79: return KEY_NUMPAD1;
287 				case 80: return KEY_NUMPAD4;
288 				case 81: return KEY_NUMPAD3;
289 				case 82: return KEY_NUMPAD0;
290 				case 83: return KEY_NUMDEL;
291 				default: return kk-59+KEY_F1; // Function keys
292 			}}
293 		case 224: {
294 			int kk;
295 			switch (kk = getch()) {
296 				case 71: return KEY_HOME;
297 				case 72: return KEY_UP;
298 				case 73: return KEY_PGUP;
299 				case 75: return KEY_LEFT;
300 				case 77: return KEY_RIGHT;
301 				case 79: return KEY_END;
302 				case 80: return KEY_DOWN;
303 				case 81: return KEY_PGDOWN;
304 				case 82: return KEY_INSERT;
305 				case 83: return KEY_DELETE;
306 				default: return kk-123+KEY_F1; // Function keys
307 			}}
308 		case 13: return KEY_ENTER;
309 version (Windows)
310 		case 27: return KEY_ESCAPE;
311 version (Posix) {
312 		case 155: // single-character CSI
313 		case 27: {
314 			// Process ANSI escape sequences
315 			if (cnt >= 3 && getch() == '[') {
316 				switch (k = getch()) {
317 					case 'A': return KEY_UP;
318 					case 'B': return KEY_DOWN;
319 					case 'C': return KEY_RIGHT;
320 					case 'D': return KEY_LEFT;
321 				}
322 			} else return KEY_ESCAPE;
323 		}
324 }
325 		default: return k;
326 	}
327 }
329 /// Function: nb_getch
330 /// Non-blocking getch(). Returns 0 if no key was pressed.
331 int nb_getch() {
332 	if (kbhit()) return getch();
333 	else return 0;
334 }
336 /// Function: getANSIColor
337 /// Return ANSI color escape sequence for specified number 0-15.
338 ///
339 /// See <Color Codes>
340 RLUTIL_STRING_T getANSIColor(const(int) c) {
341 	switch (c) {
342 		case 0 : return ANSI_BLACK;
343 		case 1 : return ANSI_BLUE; // non-ANSI
344 		case 2 : return ANSI_GREEN;
345 		case 3 : return ANSI_CYAN; // non-ANSI
346 		case 4 : return ANSI_RED; // non-ANSI
347 		case 5 : return ANSI_MAGENTA;
348 		case 6 : return ANSI_BROWN;
349 		case 7 : return ANSI_GREY;
350 		case 8 : return ANSI_DARKGREY;
351 		case 9 : return ANSI_LIGHTBLUE; // non-ANSI
352 		case 10: return ANSI_LIGHTGREEN;
353 		case 11: return ANSI_LIGHTCYAN; // non-ANSI;
354 		case 12: return ANSI_LIGHTRED; // non-ANSI;
355 		case 13: return ANSI_LIGHTMAGENTA;
356 		case 14: return ANSI_YELLOW; // non-ANSI
357 		case 15: return ANSI_WHITE;
358 		default: return "";
359 	}
360 }
362 /// Function: setColor
363 /// Change color specified by number (Windows / QBasic colors).
364 ///
365 /// See <Color Codes>
366 void setColor(int c) {
367 	version (Windows) {
368 		HANDLE hConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
369 		SetConsoleTextAttribute(hConsole, cast(WORD)c);
370 	}
373 	version (Posix) {
374 		printf("%s", getANSIColor(c).toStringz);
375 	}
376 }
378 void cls() {
379 	if (Windows == true) {
380 		// TODO: This is cheating...
381 		executeShell("cls");
382 	}
384 	else {
385 		printf("%s", "\033[2J\033[H".toStringz);
386 	}
387 }
389 /// Function: locate
390 /// Sets the cursor position to 1-based x,y.
391 //void locate(int x, int y) {
392 void locate(int x, int y) {
393 	version (Windows) {
394 		import std.conv;
395 		COORD coord;
396 		coord.X = to!(short)(x-1);
397 		coord.Y = to!(short)(y-1); // Windows uses 0-based coordinates
398 		SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
399 	}
401 	version (Posix) {
402 		char* buf;
403 		const(char*) format = "\033[%d;%df";
404 		sprintf(buf, format, y, x);
405 		printf("%s", buf);
406 	}
407 }
409 /// Function: hidecursor
410 /// Hides the cursor.
411 void hidecursor() {
412 	version (Windows) {
413 		HANDLE hConsoleOutput;
414 		CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO structCursorInfo;
415 		hConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
416 		GetConsoleCursorInfo( hConsoleOutput, &structCursorInfo ); // Get current cursor size
417 		structCursorInfo.bVisible = FALSE;
418 		SetConsoleCursorInfo( hConsoleOutput, &structCursorInfo );
419 	}
421 	version (Posix) {
422 		printf("%s", "\033[?25l".toStringz);
423 	}
424 }
426 /// Function: showcursor
427 /// Shows the cursor.
428 void showcursor() {
429 	version (Windows) {
430 		HANDLE hConsoleOutput;
431 		CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO structCursorInfo;
432 		hConsoleOutput = GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
433 		GetConsoleCursorInfo( hConsoleOutput, &structCursorInfo ); // Get current cursor size
434 		structCursorInfo.bVisible = TRUE;
435 		SetConsoleCursorInfo( hConsoleOutput, &structCursorInfo );
436 	}
438 	version (Posix) {
439 		printf("%s", "\033[?25h".toStringz);
440 	}
441 }
443 /// Function: msleep
444 /// Waits given number of milliseconds before continuing.
445 void msleep(uint ms) {
446 	version (Windows) {
447 		Sleep(ms);
448 	}
450 	version (Posix) {
451 		// usleep argument must be under 1 000 000
452 		if (ms > 1000) sleep(ms/1000000);
453 		usleep((ms % 1000000) * 1000);
454 	}
455 }
457 ///// Function: trows
458 ///// Get the number of rows in the terminal window or -1 on error.
459 //int trows() {
460 	//version (Windows) {
462 		//if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi))
463 			//return -1;
464 		//else
465 			//return csbi.srWindow.Bottom - csbi.srWindow.Top + 1; // Window height
466 			//// return csbi.dwSize.Y; // Buffer height
467 	//}
469 	//ttysize ts;
470 	//ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGSIZE, &ts);
471 	//return ts.ts_lines;
472 //}
474 ///// Function: tcols
475 ///// Get the number of columns in the terminal window or -1 on error.
476 //int tcols() {
477 	//version (Windows) {
479 		//if (!GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &csbi))
480 			//return -1;
481 		//else
482 			//return csbi.srWindow.Right - csbi.srWindow.Left + 1; // Window width
483 			//// return csbi.dwSize.X; // Buffer width
485 		//winsize ts;
486 		//ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &ts);
487 		//return ts.ws_col;
488 	//}
489 //}
491 /// Function: anykey
492 /// Waits until a key is pressed.
493 void anykey() {
494 	getch();
495 }