Enums: Color codes
Function: trows // Get the number of rows in the terminal window or -1 on error. / return csbi.dwSize.Y; // Buffer height // Function: tcols // Get the number of columns in the terminal window or -1 on error. / return csbi.dwSize.X; // Buffer width Function: anykey Waits until a key is pressed.
Function: getANSIColor Return ANSI color escape sequence for specified number 0-15.
Function: getch Get character without waiting for Return to be pressed. Windows has this in conio.h
Function: getkey Reads a key press (blocking) and returns a key code.
Function: gotoxy Same as <rlutil.locate>.
Function: hidecursor Hides the cursor.
Function: kbhit Determines if keyboard has been hit. Windows has this in conio.h
Function: locate Sets the cursor position to 1-based x,y.
Function: msleep Waits given number of milliseconds before continuing.
Function: nb_getch Non-blocking getch(). Returns 0 if no key was pressed.
Function: setColor Change color specified by number (Windows / QBasic colors).
Function: showcursor Shows the cursor.
Define: RLUTIL_USE_ANSI Define this to use ANSI escape sequences also on Windows (defaults to using WinAPI instead).
Consts: ANSI color strings
Consts: Key codes for keyhit()
D port of rlutil.h https://github.com/tapio/rlutil
About: Description This file provides some useful utilities for console mode roguelike game development with C and C++. It is aimed to be cross-platform (at least Windows and Linux).